1. Cover Concept

Getting in contact with the author first to know the needs of what they want is the start of making a book cover. Understanding of the book and getting the details is what comes next. With the given brief from the author, it has all the information there is to proceed with the design project. There are many ways to start the design as like drawing thumbnails from the key words of the book. From this on with all the picked thumbnails you go into the next stage.
2. Layout, Design, Decisions and Details

Most big companies will hold a meeting with the selected designs. This stage is where the details like what the material is going to be or how and where the font is going to be placed on comes in. These decisions on what is going to be what is of course based off of the targeted audience.
3. Final Cover Production

At this stage the design is finalized and ready to print. The most general choice is about whether or not the book cover is going to be a hardcover or paperback. From this the materials of the cover varies. Also there are many ways to do make the design stand out with it’s meaning like embossing the title and using different texture of gloss paper.